Friday, October 5, 2007

Mysterious Disappearances of the Honey Bee

Kolbert is arguing the use of pesticides. The article is so well written that it wasn’t until about three quarters of the way through it I realized the argument. I was really drawn in by the story and the plight of the bees.

Kolbert said that honeybees were not native to North America but were brought over with the first settlers. I found that same information on http://www.backyardbeekeepers com/facts.html This site has an entire page dedicated to Colony Collapse disorder with links to many other pages and updates.
Also on this site under Honey Bees is a list of facts. One fact in her article was about how much the bees are used to pollinate agricultural crops which can be verified on this site.

Kolbert gave an explanation of the difference between the queen bee, worker bees, and the drones. One interesting fact was that the drones are bred for a specific purpose – to mate, and then are killed by the worker bees. This fact can be verified at the following site.

I absolutely loathe bees. I see a picture,hear them, or read about them and I instantly panic and get chills. I am sure that I have some type of phobia related to bees! However, this article was very intriguing and I really could not stop reading (chills and all) until I found out what they had discovered about the bees! I really can’t imagine a world with out honey so the pesticide issue needs to be taken care of. With all the health conscientious products out there, surely there is an environmentally safe pesticide in the works.