Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Workshop of Trista's Solution Paper

Solution Essay Workshop Questions for Trista's paper
1. Restate the thesis in your own words. If the thesis is a question and not an assertion, make it an assertion. Make sure the words “although” and "because" are in it.

Although dumpster diving is dangerous, it should not be illegal because people make money off of it and people don’t look through the recycling stations.

2. Does the thesis state the author's position on a controversial topic? Is it at the end of the first paragraph? Yes and Yes

List below the author's reasons for holding his or her position. Are they listed in the thesis, or in the body of the paper? They should be listed in the thesis, and expanded upon in the body of the paper.

1. many people make a living by salvaging out of dumpsters

2. not everyone utilizes the 'recycling' station.


Who is the author's audience? Do they already agree with the author, or is the author writing to the opposition? How can you tell? Give specific examples. The author’s audience is everyone in the Fairbanks North Star Borough. The author is writing to the opposition because there are more people against dumpster diving than for it.

List the counterarguments (arguments of the author’s oppositions) used in the paper (there should be at least three). Does the author adequately address these arguments? Do you think there are other arguments that could be addressed? Do you see any logical fallacies?

1. Dumpster diving is dangerous – was in the intro but not covered in the body

2. Ethics of going through other people’s trash – not covered well enough

3. can’t think of another

Does the paper have an interesting title? If not, help author come up with one.

“Dive At Your Own Risk!”

Is there a catchy lead sentence? What is it? If there isn't one, what would you suggest?
I think the lead sentence is fine. It definitely caught my attention.
How does the author conclude the paper? What do you think of it? I think that the conclusion is ok. It concludes the author’s point of view.

Does each paragraph expand upon the thesis? Do the paragraphs flow? Which paragraphs have bumpy transitions?

In the intro try this: But more importantly, it is part of our Fairbanks heritage; and it’s come under fire recently. Although dumpster diving is potentially dangerous, the Borough Assembly should not criminalize it, because many people make a living by salvaging out of dumpsters, and not everyone utilizes the 'recycling' station.

There also should be a transition sentence before “Not if Assemblyman Charlie Rex has anything to do with it.”, in the second paragraph.

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