Monday, September 24, 2007

Response to "Shitty First Drafts"

Question # 1: Lamott is funny even though she is matter of fact. It would be easy to say that when writing a first draft make it bad so the next one is better and be done with it, but Lamott goes into funny detailed examples of how to write a shitty first draft. She shows the potential writer that it is okay to make mistakes. She uses herself as an example of how to write that really bad first draft.

Question # 2: I agree with what Lamott wrote in this article. I had already read this article from taking your last class and have actually aspired to write really bad first drafts first just so I can improve on them. The one thing that stood out to me this time around was circling all the ideas in the first draft and incorporating them into the second draft. I think that Lamott is dead on with her writing techniques, which is why she is a published author.

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