This article reminds me of the novel “Nineteen Eighty-four” by George Orwell. The theme of Big Brother is watching you is very strong. Funny enough is the fact that America thrives on voyeurism. There is the reality TV show “Big Brother” that I have to admit I am a huge fan of. Whenever I am done watching an episode, I call my best friend up who also happens to be a big fan and we discuss what happened in the episode. For those that don’t get enough of the action just three hours every week, there is the new night time portion available on Showtime and the live twenty-four hour internet feed. I am fine with just the three hours. My point is that people don’t care if they are watched. To be honest, I don’t even think about video cameras as I go about my day. Sure, there is the knowledge in the back of my head when I walk into a store that I am being watched but it is no longer the first thing I think about. I understand why Americans are apt to want to be watched. I think the consensus comes from upstanding citizen who have nothing to hide and they don’t care if they are watched as long as it is for the greater good of fighting crime. What is really disturbing is the fact that nothing seems to be done with all the surveillance footage, and it always seems like the innocent person is targeted. What seems really funny to me is the fact that in the name of fighting the war on terrorism, the persons of interest list is all Middle Eastern last names. My funny thought is what if some of the terrorists have the last name of Smith or Johnson. The government would be spending tax payer’s money on the wrong person and all that time gathering footage on them would be wasted. All I have to say is watch me if you want, but you are just wasting precious resources on me and a billon other people. Maybe there is a better way after all…
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